Hello guys, recently i am so cencerning on beauty and anything related to it, including body and health of course.
After giving birth i have a weightgaining issue that would make anybody meets me gasping and questioning is that really me? Lol
I am so desperate yet still have to be eating enough meal to help me nursing my baby. Yasss, that must be every newly mom's problem hehe.. It's okay guyss i feel you.. 💕
Well wait, i found a food that very easy to be found, affordable and helping me to cut my unecessary about 500kkal every meal? Yass.. 2 hours before meals (for me it's 10 am and 4 pm) i ate Soyjoy. Okay there are plenty of variant of Soyjoy but wait! I found something new! Almond and chocolate, what a perfect combination. I love both of em sure.
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Me eating it and be like so yassss! 😂 |
It helps a lot to reduce my craving, cause FYI you will be so obsessed with food like a zombie when you are nursing lol.
Wait, what makes it so magical? How about the ingredients or anything that contained on it? It was originally made by soybean crushed into flour or powder and proceed until shaped like this 👇
The Soybean bar with Almond and Chocolate Inside |
Fiber, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, E, Folic Acid), Magnesium, Protein, and Isoflavon are included in every bite.
Are you wondering the benefits of them? Okay let me explain to you about these:
*Vitamin A is good for your eyes and hair
*Vitamin B1 helps you to convert Carbo to become energy plus it's good for your hair also
*Vitamin B2 a.k.a Riboflavin will help you convert fat into energy
*Vitamin B6 is good to maintain your conciousness and concentration
*Vitamin E is such a magic for skin
*Folic Acid is good to maintain a right colestrol and really good for your baby if you are pregnant
*Magnesium is good to maintain your heart
*Protein will help you build muscle and reduce fat
*Isoflavon helps you to reduce bad colestrol and maintain your bone
So by eating those 150kkal which is so rich by vitamins etc, it helps me to reduce my big and unecessary apetitte to eat more. And it works best with a good diet and exercise of course.
First impression to this new Soyjoy was the taste is good and it's just nothing too much with it, with the package, the sweetness, the chocolate and almond, it's just enough.
Nothing too much like how people in France live their life, Ca Suffit. This phrase describe this Soyjoy Almond and Chocolate at it fittest sentence.
New Soyjoy Variant - Almond & Chocolate |
Sure, and don't forget to move your body and maintain a good diet also. Because we can just sit down and wishing our body will get better if we don't move our a$$. 😂
Okay, so how about this sentence ayu? "That every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top" like Megan Trainor said trough her song? Okay our body is our bestest place to life in, so whatever comforts you just do it. If you are comfortable living inside a healthy body then this posting will opened your eyes and my eyes also of course 😂
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Whatever happen just be happy |
Me loving you as much as i can
Cant wait to post another beauty issue 💕
Ps: for any beauty, skin care and make up tips dont forget to jump to www.beautynesia.id